My Experience with Rhabdomyolysis: Why You Need to Listen to Your Body When Working Out

Prayag Gangadharan
3 min readMay 10, 2023


After a long gap, I decided to join the gym to get back in shape. I was excited and eager to start my fitness journey. It was supposed to be a positive change, but my experience turned into a health nightmare that I will never forget. I had no idea what was happening to me until it was almost too late. Here is my story, and what you need to know to prevent it from happening to you.

What is Rhabdomyolysis?

Rhabdomyolysis is a serious medical condition that occurs when muscle tissue breaks down rapidly, releasing a protein called myoglobin into the bloodstream. When myoglobin builds up in the kidneys, it can cause damage and potentially lead to kidney failure. Symptoms of rhabdomyolysis include muscle pain, weakness, swelling, and dark-coloured urine.

I had been inactive for almost two years, and I was eager to change that. I walked into a group exercise class at a gym and started with a warm-up exercise followed by squats, crunches, and other exercises. I pushed myself too hard during my first day workout, not realizing that my body was not ready for the intensity of the exercises. The intense pain in my quad muscles was a sign that I had overdone it, but I ignored it, thinking it was just the usual soreness that comes with a good workout. The combination of overexertion and dehydration led to my muscles breaking down at a rapid pace, causing my CPK (Creatine phosphokinase) levels to skyrocket.

Is it possible for anyone to get rhabdomyolysis?

Rhabdomyolysis is a condition that can affect anyone, but it is more common in individuals who are new to exercise or those who push themselves too hard. In addition to high-intensity workouts, rhabdomyolysis can also be caused by traumatic injuries, infections, working out in hot weather, alcohol consumption after an intense workout, and certain medications. Therefore, it is crucial to listen to your body and not push yourself beyond your limits to prevent rhabdomyolysis. It is also important to take appropriate measures such as staying hydrated, warming up properly, and seeking medical attention if you experience symptoms of rhabdomyolysis such as muscle pain, weakness, or dark-colored urine.

How to prevent rhabdomyolysis?

The best way to prevent rhabdomyolysis is to start slow and gradually increase your activity level. Always warm up and stretch before exercising, hydration is also key; make sure you drink plenty of water before, during, and after exercising. If you experience muscle pain, weakness, or swelling, take a break and rest. It’s also important to listen to your body and not push yourself too hard too soon. If you experience any unusual pain or symptoms, stop immediately and seek medical attention.


My experience with rhabdomyolysis was a wake-up call for me. I learned that it is important to listen to your body, start slow, and stay hydrated during exercise. If you experience any unusual pain or symptoms, seek medical attention immediately. Don’t let your enthusiasm for exercise put your health at risk.

Rhabdomyolysis is a serious medical condition that can happen to anyone. It is important to be aware of the symptoms and take preventive measures to avoid it.

Thank you for reading this far :)

I hope that by sharing my story, I can raise awareness about this serious medical condition and encourage others to prioritize their health and well-being.



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